20+ Years Experience

Specialist Luxury Rehabilitation

Meet the Team

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At Luxury Rehab, we are proud to have a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping individuals overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.

Our team members bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and compassion to their respective roles, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality of care in a luxurious and supportive environment.

Get to know the individuals who make up our exceptional team:

Dr. Samantha Collins – Medical Director

Dr. Samantha Collins serves as our esteemed Medical Director at Luxury Rehab. With her extensive knowledge and experience in addiction medicine, Dr. Collins leads our medical team in providing safe and effective treatment protocols.

She holds a strong commitment to evidence-based practices and oversees the medical aspects of our clients’ recovery journeys.

Driven by her passion for helping individuals heal, Dr. Collins ensures that all medical interventions align with our clients’ unique needs, promoting their physical well-being and overall recovery.

Sarah Thompson – Clinical Psychologist

Sarah Thompson is a highly skilled Clinical Psychologist who plays a pivotal role in our clients’ emotional and psychological well-being.

With a compassionate and empathetic approach, Sarah conducts individual therapy sessions, facilitates group counseling, and helps our clients navigate the underlying issues contributing to their addiction.

Her expertise in evidence-based therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), allows her to guide individuals toward healthier coping mechanisms and sustainable recovery.

Michael Rodriguez – Certified Addiction Counselor:

Michael Rodriguez is a dedicated Certified Addiction Counsellor who brings a wealth of experience to our team.

With a profound understanding of the challenges faced by individuals in recovery, Michael provides empathetic guidance and support throughout the treatment process.

Through individual and group counselling sessions, he helps clients explore their personal triggers, develop relapse prevention strategies, and build a strong foundation for sustainable recovery.

Michael’s unwavering commitment to each client’s well-being and his genuine care and empathy make him an invaluable asset to our team.

Lisa Johnson – Holistic Therapist

Lisa Johnson is our compassionate Holistic Therapist, specializing in alternative and holistic approaches to addiction recovery.

With a background in mindfulness practices, yoga, and meditation, Lisa helps our clients explore their mind-body connection, reduce stress, and cultivate inner balance.

Through holistic therapies, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction and art therapy, Lisa supports our clients in their journey toward self-discovery, self-care, and holistic healing.

Her nurturing presence and commitment to holistic wellness make her an integral part of our team.


Each member of our team at Luxury Rehab plays a vital role in providing exceptional care and support to our clients.

With their expertise, compassion, and dedication, they work collaboratively to ensure that each individual’s unique needs are met on their journey to recovery.

Together, they create an environment of trust, understanding, and empowerment, helping our clients embrace a life free from addiction.

Luxury Rehab – Where Healing Meets Luxury.

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